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Theme: Logo, Font & Colors

This document will explain how to best adjust the [theme] configuration. If you have no experience in UI design and are not familiar with your organization's CI, you usually want to talk to such a person and do this part of the configuration together.

Logo & Header height

The logo image file (SVG recommended) has to contain all required margin. Tobira does not add any space around the logo at all. There might be space to the right or left, depending on the screen size, but do not count on it! In the following image, the logo file has a pink background color to show you its size and the margin included in it.

Once the logo file is created and configured, adjust header_height to your liking. This is the height of the header (and thus also your logo) in pixels. Only the logo is stretched, all other elements are vertically centered within the header.

You can configure different logo files for different cases, depending on device-size (mobile vs desktop), color scheme (light vs dark) and language. In the simplest case of using a single logo for all cases, your config looks like this:

logos = [
{ path = "logo.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },

Note that the resolution is only an aspect ratio that is used to prevent layout shifts.

Most likely, you want to configure different logos for desktop and mobile, for example. You can do that by duplicating the line and adding size = "narrow" and size = "wide" to the entries:

logos = [
{ size = "wide", path = "logo-desktop.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "narrow", path = "logo-mobile.svg", resolution = [1, 1] },

You can split these entries further by adding mode = "light" and mode = "dark". Let's say you only need to configure a dark version of your large logo, as your small one works well in dark mode already:

logos = [
{ size = "wide", mode = "light", path = "logo-desktop-light.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "wide", mode = "dark", path = "logo-desktop-dark.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "narrow", path = "logo-mobile.svg", resolution = [1, 1] },

Finally, you can add the lang = ".." field to specify different logos for different languages (e.g. "en" and "de"). Here, "*" can be specified as the default logo when there is no logo specified for a specific language. Continuing the example, lets say the wide logos are language specific in that we have a specific logo for German and want to use another one for all other languages.

logos = [
{ size = "wide", mode = "light", lang = "*", path = "logo-desktop-light.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "wide", mode = "light", lang = "de", path = "logo-desktop-light-de.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "wide", mode = "dark", lang = "*", path = "logo-desktop-dark.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "wide", mode = "dark", lang = "de", path = "logo-desktop-dark-de.svg", resolution = [20, 8] },
{ size = "narrow", path = "logo-mobile.svg", resolution = [1, 1] },

The order in which these distinguishing fields (size, mode, lang) are added is up to you, and you can can split and merge these entries however you like, as long as for each specific case (i.e. tuple of (size, mode, lang)), there is exactly one applicable logo definition.


The favicon is a single SVG file, that's usually a simplified version of your logo. It is shown as tiny image in browser tabs, the browser's history or a bookmark list.


You can change the main font used by Tobira. The relevant config section is theme.font – see the comments there for specifics on the individual values. The following goes over three different ways of changing the font.

If you want to use a font that you expect most of your users to already have installed on their devices, you can just set font.main_family. For example: font.main_family = "Arial" (please don't actually use Arial though). The main_family value is used as the value for the CSS font-family declaration, which has two consequences. For one, you have to quote font names with spaces, e.g. font.main_family = "'Noto Sans'". More importantly, you can use multiple values to let the browser choose the first one that's available, for example: font.main_family = "Papyrus, Helvetica, 'Noto Sans'". Tobira will always add sans-serif at the very end as a fallback.

But you cannot assume anything about the fonts installed on a user's device. So to be sure a particular font is used, it has to be provided. Tobira always provides "Open Sans", its default font. So you can just mention 'Open Sans' in main_family to be sure that that is used as a fallback. But you can also provide your own fonts by specifying font.extra_css, a CSS file that is expected to contain @font-face declarations. As examples, you can look at the Google Font files, e.g. this for Montserrat. You could download that CSS file from Google (this is not legal advice) and specify it as extra_css, then set main_family = "Montserrat" and be sure that the user's browser can display that font.

But said CSS file refers to Google Font servers via url(). You likely don't want that, so you can also instruct Tobira to host font files for you. These you have to specify as font.files. Tobira will serve them under /~assets/fonts/. So you can then just use links to the Tobira hosted files in your CSS file. Try encoding your fonts in the WOFF2 format, as this is widely supported and well compressed.

Finally, here is a full example of self-hosted custom fonts:

main_family = "'My Fancy Font', 'Open Sans'"
extra_css = "font.css"
files = [
@font-face {
font-family: 'My Fancy Font';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-display: swap;
src: url(/~assets/fonts/MyFancyFont-Regular.woff2) format('woff2');
@font-face {
font-family: 'My Fancy Font';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 700;
font-display: swap;
src: url(/~assets/fonts/MyFancyFont-Bold.woff2) format('woff2');

Note: Tobira is developed with Open Sans in mind and optimized for it. Other fonts might have different glyph heights and positioning metrics, making them look off in Tobira. To make your font look good, use CSS properties such as size-adjust and ascent-override inside your @font-face declaration. Simply compare your configured font to the default Open Sans to see if letter height, baseline and other metrics fit. See these docs about @font-face to see what you can adjust.


All colors throughout Tobira's UI are derived from a small set of base colors. These allow you to change the appearance of Tobira to be closer to your organization's CI.

  • Primary: Main color that's used for almost everything that's colored (i.e. not grey).
  • Danger: Used for potentially destructive/dangerous actions and error messages. Should be red.
  • Grey (optional): Base color for all grey tones used. This is only useful if you want a slightly colored grey. This is fully grey (0 saturation) by default.
  • Happy (optional): Used for call-to-action elements and things associated with something positive. Is equal to the primary color by default and should only be overwritten if your primary color is red, as using red for these elements would lead to user confusion.

Tobira automatically creates variations of these base colors, each having a different perceived brightness. For grey, many different variations are created, each with a fixed perceived brightness, some very dark, some very bright. For the other colors, only a couple darker variations are created.

The perceived brightness of your configured base colors should fall into a range, in order for the UI to have enough contrast to be accessible to those with limited vision. The allowed perceived brightness ranges:

  • Primary: 35% – 46.5%
  • Danger: 23% – 46.5%
  • Happy: ≥ 35%

You can use this LCH color picker to adjust or pick a color. The "lightness" in there represents the perceived brightness. So you likely want to paste your organization's CI color into there, check if the lightness is fine and if not, adjust it to be in this range.

Extra & background information

What is perceived brightness?

This term describes how bright a specific color is perceived as by a human with standard vision. This is non-linear with respect to the light energy (number of photons) and also depends on the colors present in the light, as some colors are perceived as brighter (e.g. green) than others (e.g. blue).

How color variations are created

The variations are created by converting the base colors into the LCH color space and then adjusting the l channel. LCH is a perceptually uniform color space and the l channel represents the perceived brightness (unlike the l channel in HSL!). Changing l will only change the perceived brightness, keeping the saturation and hue the same. The perceived brightness difference between the variations also does not depend on its hue, saturation, or the configured brightness of the base color. All this is done to get consistent contrast levels between different colors.