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Version: v3.0

Info, Tips & Tricks

Various useful information for coding on Tobira.

Experimental features

Some features in Tobira might not be finished yet but already included in the released versions. These are disabled by default but can be enabled by adding an entry in your local storage (for the domain Tobira is running on):


Currently, there are no experimental features.

Using colors in the frontend

All colors you specify in your CSS (even black and white) should not be hardcoded, but instead come from the COLORS constant defined in color.tsx. How to pick a color:

  • When coloring something that has to do with focus (e.g. an outline), use focus.
  • For errors or potentially destructive actions, use the danger* colors.
  • For call-to-action elements and elements with positive connotation, use the happy* colors. Of course, happy is often the same as primary, but you should still specify happy, pretending they are different.
  • For all other things that should be colored (i.e. not grey), use primary*
  • For all greys, well, use neutral*.

Each color has a number, with smaller numbers being brighter, larger number being darker. (In dark mode, this is reversed.) For primary, danger and happy, try to always use the 0 variant first. The *BwInverted fields are either black or white, depending on what has the greater contrast to the specified color.

Check for sufficient contrast!

  • primary0 or danger0 text should be only used on top of background, neutral05 and neutral10, and not on anything darker.
  • happy* colors currently have no enforced max brightness so shouldn't be used as text color at all. (If there is a good reason to use it as text color, we will have to see...)