Building the plugin
A short outline of what needs to be done in order to build the plugin from source.
Build dependencies
Ensure that all of the following build dependencies are present on your system:
- CMake
- C++ Compiler (C++11 support needed)
- obs-studio (20.0.1 compatible + libobs and headers)
- qt (5.9.2 compatible)
- libconfig (1.5 compatible)
- libOpencastIngest (0.4.0
- add header files into
- add the static library binary to
- This library also requires: libcurl, tinyxml2
- add header files into
Building on Linux
To build the project on Linux run:
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
Building on Windows
Building on Windows is way more complicated and in general, we recommend using the binary distributions. Nevertheless, here is a short outline of what you need to do:
With msys2 installed you can perform the following steps:
- Clone the source repository
- Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (Visual Studio or Visual Studio Build Tools 15 2017)
- Use the MinGW 32-bit/64-bit console
- Install the Requirements (libcurl, tinyxml2, libconfig) (watch out to use the correct architecture/build chain) by compiling the install target with cmake (admin rights needed).
- Put the files of libOpencastIngest according to the requirements into the source directory
- Install qt 5.9.2 for msvc2015 and msvc2017_x64 to the default path
- Compile obs-studio relative to the source directory of opencastObsPlugin:
, on 32-bit:../obs-studio/build32/
(cmake target obs) - Then execute the following commands (this should create a file, which is
in thebuild/Release/
32-bit (on MinGW 32-bit console):
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release
64-bit (on MinGW 64-bit console):
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Warning: You can only have one version of the libraries (32/64-bit) installed. If you want to build 32 and 64-bit versions you have to remove the other version of the libraries first.